Explore a decision tree and supplemental resources for evaluating and assessing service-learning courses and programs!

Path 1
Improving a Course/Program or Demonstrating Impact

Decision 1: Choosing a level of assessment
At what level do you want to assess your course or program?
At the level of the

Decision 2: Choosing your partner-level outcomes
What partner outcomes do you want to measure?
I care about

Decision 2: Choosing your student-level outcomes
What student outcomes do you want to measure?
I care about

Decision 2: Choosing your instructor-level outcomes
What instructor outcomes do you want to measure?
I care about

Decision 3: Gathering partner data
How will you collect data on partner outcomes?
I want to collect partner data via
Community partner tools
Example Partner Surveys & Scales
Example Partner Interview Questions
Example Partner Observation Tools
- Coming soon!
Example Partner Reflection Tools

Decision 3: Gathering student data
How will you collect data on student outcomes?
I want to collect student data via
student tools
Example Student Surveys & Scales
- Student Survey & Interview Questions for Service-Learning Experience
- The Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale for partnership assessment (TRES II)
- The Civic Minded Graduate Scale
- Intercultural Sensitivity Scale
- Effective Listening, Teamwork, & Leadership Inventory
- Intercultural Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge Short Scale (A.S.K.S.2)
Example Student Interview Questions
Example Student Observation Tools
- Coming soon!
Example Student Reflection Tools
- Coming soon!
Example Student Presentations
- Coming soon!
Example Student Writing Assignments
Example Creative Outputs
Example Summative Assessments
- Coming soon!
Example Peer Evaluation Tools
- Coming soon!

Decision 3: Gathering instructor data
How will you collect data on instructor outcomes?
I want to collect instructor data via
Instructor Tools
Instructor Surveys & Scales
Instructor Observation Tools
- Coming soon!
Instructor Reflection Tools
Instructor Evaluation & Feedback Tools
- Coming soon!

Decision 4: Choosing your method of analysis
How will you analyze your data?
I will base my analysis or outcome measurement on
Rubrics and other tools
Example Rubrics
Example Models
- Coming soon!
Example Counts
- Coming soon!
Example Coding Schemes
- Coming soon!
Example Standards, Competencies, or Learning Outcomes
Path 2
Evaluate for a Grade

Decision 1: Choosing a level of evaluation
At what level do you want to evaluate the grade?
At the level of

Decision 2: Choosing data sources
What data sources will contribute to the grade?
I will draw from

Decision 3: Gathering partner data
What assessments will partners complete?
Partners will contribute
community partner tools
Example Tools for Partner Reports on Student Progress
- Coming soon!
Example Partner Evaluation Tools
- Coming soon!
Example Partner Observation Tools
- Coming soon!
Example Partner Reflection Tools

Decision 3: Gathering student data
What assessments will students complete?
Students will contribute
Student Tools
Example Student Observation Tools
- Coming soon!
Example Student Reflection Tools
- Coming soon!
Example Student Presentations
- Coming soon!
Example Student Writing Assignments
Example Creative Outputs
Example Summative Assessments
- Coming soon!
Example Peer Evaluation Tools
- Coming soon!

Decision 3: Gathering instructor data
What assessments will instructors complete?
Instructors will contribute
instructor tools
Example Tools for In-Class Observations
- Coming soon!
Example Tools for On-Site Observations
- Coming soon!
Example Tools for Participation Credit
- Coming soon!

Decision 4: Choosing your method of grading
What will you use to guide your grading ?
I will base the grade on
Rubrics and other tools
Example Rubrics
Example Models
- Coming soon!
Example Counts
- Coming soon!
Example Coding Schemes
- Coming soon!